10. Unconditional Parenting: How to connect with young children more effectively (Dr Hanako Shimamura)

The early years of a child’s life are a critical developmental period. The interactions a child has with adults in these early years can shape how they develop, perceive themselves, and also how they interact with others throughout their life. Understanding the research in the field of Child Development is an important part of developing the strategies and approaches that have the most beneficial impact on a child. In this episode we will discuss best practices informed by the latest research in how to connect with young children and provide quality feedback in what Dr Shimamura refers to as unconditional parenting.


Dr Hanako Shimamura is a child development specialist with a PhD in Education from the University of Oxford. She has been involved in the field of Early Childhood Education, especially Montessori education for the past 15 years. Her first book How to provide connecting feedback to children was published on April 17 2020 and is ranked No 1 in the early childhood education category on Amazon Japan. Hana’s expertise and empathetic approach to learning has had great impact among parents. Her online seminars helping parents understand how to connect with their young children in a more effective manner, has been incredibly popular. Hana is currently a full-time faculty member in an Early Childhood Education program at Lethbridge College, Alberta, Canada.


11. Technology in Global Healthcare Training for International Development (Prof Niall Winters)


9. Research Informed Teacher Professional Development (Dr Nina Hood)